Post War Works on Paper

December 14, 2012 - January 30, 2013

Our second exhibition, POST WAR WORKS ON PAPER, will open on Friday, December 14th and continues through January 30th, 2013. Included are “Modern Masters” such as Fernando Botero, Roy Lichtenstein, James Rosenquist, Tom Wesselmann, and others next to contemporary artists, Marcus Reichert, Stephen Scott Young, Donald Sultan, and more. The show features over 25 diverse artists united by commonality of media.

The concept came to me upon visiting the Kunsthaus Museum in Zürich, Switzerland this past summer. In one room, the curators placed a Rembrandt painting next to a contemporary, young photographer, Alex Prager (b. 1979). Had the Rembrandt not been present, I may have overlooked the photograph; however, the shock of seeing the two in the same room caused me to take a second glance at each.

Our vision for this show is to place well-known works of art next to lesser-known artist’s work with the hope of exposing the talent of each artist and their distinct styles.

Adam Adelson
Director, Adelson Galleries Boston

Izza Wei-Haas2012, 2013