Fall Exhibition: Five Artists

September 14 - October 2, 2015

Jacob Collins, Federico Uribe, Winfred Rembert, Andrew Stevovich, Jamie Wyeth

Jacob Collins, Federico Uribe, Winfred Rembert, Andrew Stevovich and Jamie Wyeth are five exceptional artists whose work we represent and have long admired. The subject matter and artistic strategies differ widely as is obvious. Their use of media is likewise disparate ranging from traditional paint on canvas or paper to dyed, carved leather and assembled constructions of pencils. But these men share at least one common talent : brilliant draughtsmanship. The quality of their drawing unifies their vision, creates a taut balance to the figures and objects, and makes their work resonate to an appreciative international audience . We have organized a small selection of their work and are pleased to present it for sale.

Warren Adelson

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